The Complete Java Development Masterclass - Mastering Java from zero Course Syllabus








  1. OOP's (Object Oriented Programming) Concept-

-What is Inheritance and Importance

-Types of Inheritance

-This and Super Keywords

  1. This Keyword:
  1. Super Keyword:


- Inheritance Compiler Rules

-What is Polymorphism

-Types of Polymorphism (Method OverLoading/Static Binding and Method OverRiding/Dynamic Binding )

-What is Method OverLoading 

-What is Method OverRiding 



  1. Abstraction

-What is Abstraction

-Ways to Achieve Abstraction (Interface & Abstract Class)

-What is Interface


-What is Abstract Class

-Difference Between Interface and Abstract Class

  1. Encapsulation

-What is Encapsulation

-Tightly Encapsulation class and Weakly Encapsulation


  1. Scanner Class-
  1. Scanner(File source)
  2. Scanner(File source, String charsetName)
  3. Scanner(InputStream source)
  4. Scanner(InputStream source, String charsetName)
  1. nextBoolean()
  2. nextByte()
  3. nextDouble()
  4. nextDouble()
  5. nextInt()
  6. nextLine()
  7. nextLong()
  8. nextShort()


  1. Exception Handling-







    File Handling


  1. Methods-

  1. BufferedWriter

  1. Methods-

  1. BufferedReader


  1. String, StringBuffer & StringBuilder:-

  1. With Literals

  2. With new Keywords





  1. Object Class

  1. toString()

  2. hashCode()

  3. equals(Object obj)

  4. getClass()

  5. finalize() method

  6. clone()

  7. Notify()

  8. NotifyAll()

  9. Wait()

  10. Wait ( long timeout)

  11. Wait (long timeout ,int nanos)



  1. Array

  1. asList()
  2. compare(array 1, array 2)
  3. sort(originalArray)
  4. toString(originalArray) 
  5. Etc


  1. Collection FrameWork-




  1. Map-



  1. Concurrent Collection FrameWork-(CCF)



  1. Multi Threading-






  1. JDK 1.8 Features-


  1. Predicate
  2. Functional
  3. Consumer
  4. Supplier






  1. Map
  2. Filter
  3. Sorted
  4. Collect
  5. Reduce
  6. etc
  1. T orElse(T other)
  2. static <T> Optional<T> of(T value)
  3. boolean isPresent()
  4.  ifPresent(Consumer<? super T> consumer



  1. MatchResult interface:


  1. boolean matches()
  2. boolean find()
  3. int start()
  4.  int end() etc
  1. Matcher class
  2. Pattern class


  1. String pattern()
  2. Matcher matcher(CharSequence input)
  3. Etc


  1. Design Pattern
  1. Creational
  1. SingleTon Design Pattern
  1. Factory Design Pattern
  1. Structural
  2. Behavioral



  1. Advance Java


  1. Hibernate (Hibernate 5.X):-




  1. Spring -



  1. Primitive
  2. Secondary
  3. Collection
  1. Xml Based
  2. Java Based
  1. XMLBeanFactory Interface
  2. ApplicationContext Interface
  3. WebApplicationContext Interface
  4. AnnotationConfigApplicationContext Interface







  1. DispatcherServlet
  2. Request Mapper Handler
  3. Model and View
  4. IRVR
  1. @Component
  2. @Controller
  3. @Service
  4. @Repository
  1. @RequestParam
  2. @PathVariable
  3. @ModelAttribute


  1. Spring Boot :


  1. By Initializer
  2. By STS IDE 
  3. By Maven


  1. Spring Data JPA:
  1. CRUD Repository
  2. JPA Repository
  3. Pagination and Sorting Repository



  1. Web Services :-



  1. Header
  2. Body
  3. URL
  4. URI
  1. Get
  2. Post
  3. Put
  4. Delete
  5. Option


  1. .@SpringBootApplication
  2. @RestController
  3. @RequestMapping
  4. @GetMapping
  5. @PostMapping
  6. @PutMapping
  7. @DeleteMapping
  8. @PatchMapping
  9. @Produce
  10. @Consume
  11. etc





  1. Security In WebServices-


      1. Authentication of Login Module

      2. Basic Access Authentication

      3. JWT Authentication


  1. Live Project On Web Service